I Remember

I Remember is a collective biography of grief and loss in the 21st century.

Please use this site to contribute your personal stories and testimonies.


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Topography of Tears by Rose-Lynn Fisher

In her project the Topography of Tears Rose-Lynn Fisher photographed these tears during a period of personal change and loss. She found that each of the categories include distinct molecules and look completely different. Emotional tears have also been found to contain the neurotransmitter leucine enkephalin, a natural painkiller that is released when the body is under stress.

Joan Didion – The Year of Magical Thinking

Joan Didion’s book The Year of Magical Thinking, the book which started a new writing genre about death and mourning. Utterly exquisite.

How to handle bereavement in school

A useful article by Joanna Moorehead for the Guardian (12/05/2020) on the role teachers will have in helping grieving children when they return to school. The article also includes suggestions on how to help children even in lockdown and an interview with Phoebe Gilbert, the writer of the book Loss: a Little Book of Bereavement for Schools.